NOTICE: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. Check Blackboard for communication from your instructors.

Office of the President

President Melson smiling while standing in front of globe water sculpture

Richard J. Melson, Ph.D., President

Read President's Updates

Richard J. Melson, Ph.D., was elected the 26th President of Southwest Baptist University by the Board of Trustees on Aug. 19, 2021, and began his service as President on Sept. 7, 2021. SBU celebrated his inauguration on March 2, 2022.

Dr. Melson brings more than 25 years of transformational leadership to SBU’s administrative team. He has a passion for equipping the next generation of servant leaders to impact the world for Christ.

He joins SBU from Cedarville University in Cedarville, Ohio, where he served as Vice President for Advancement and Associate Professor of Business Administration since July 2016. Accomplishments while at Cedarville University include:

  • Leading a $125 million comprehensive campaign, the most ambitious fundraising effort in Cedarville University's history
  • Securing the largest gift commitments in Cedarville University history, including a $12 million lead gift for a Welcome Center and Liberal Arts Building and a $10 million lead gift for a new Business Building
  • Raising more than $95 million, more than the previous 15 years of giving combined

He also served on the President’s Cabinet and enjoyed teaching leadership to Cedarville’s students in the School of Business Administration, speaking in chapel and mentoring students across campus.

Dr. Melson served as the Vice President for Advancement and External relations at Houghton College in Houghton, N.Y., from 2012-2016. Accomplishments at Houghton College include:

  • Providing leadership to the institution's $70 million campaign
  • Leading the college to experience the highest giving in college history
  • Raising more than $34.1 million in four years, more than the previous seven years of giving combined
  • Leading his team to raise more than $1.1 million in one day, with 1,737 donors giving during a One Day Giving Challenge, garnering national recognition
  • Serving as President and CEO of the Willard J. Houghton Foundation

Dr. Melson has served in senior leadership positions in business, healthcare, higher education and ministry, including serving on the pastoral staff with John Piper at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minn., and at the Resurgence and Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Wash. He served previously as Director of Admissions and Student Recruitment with Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Matthew, Hannah, Tammy, Rick, Marisa and Jon MelsonHe earned his doctoral degree in leadership studies from Dallas Baptist University. Dr. Melson holds a master’s degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a bachelor of arts degree from Murray State University. He also has completed post-doctoral studies at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education in educational management and advancement leadership.

Dr. Melson is happily married to his high school sweetheart, Tammy, of 33 years. They have three children. Son and daughter-in-law, Jon and Marisa, live and work in Los Angeles, Calif. Daughter Hannah is a staff nurse at Children’s Mercy in Kansas City. Son Matthew is in high school and loves all things sports and science.

Dr. and Mrs. Melson enjoy opening their home, mentoring students, and attending athletics, theater and other events on campus. They enjoy spending time with their family, traveling, working out, reading, and outdoor recreation. They are passionate about equipping the next generation of servant leaders to impact the world for Christ and are called to serve in a Christ-centered, caring academic community.

Inauguration Recap

President's Updates

I was encouraged by a recent conversation with our Director of Athletics Clark Sheehy, in which he shared a meaningful perspective from his coaching days. The concept is that of stacking one win on top of another win, one at a time, to build momentum and ultimately a winning streak. 

It takes discipline to not get ahead of things and to deal with obstacles right in front of us, but it also takes an optimistic outlook to recognize the wins when they come and celebrate them. Friends, I’m thankful that we have real wins to celebrate that provide a great foundation upon which we can stack more wins throughout the rest of this year: 

  • For the first time since 2012, the total enrollment of SBU increased this fall compared to the previous fall. This is incredible news! We have enrolled 2,230 students this semester, which is up from the 2,144 from last fall across all programs and campuses. What a testament to the hard work put in by so many people across every department and division! We will be able to look back on this semester as the turning point for when the trajectory of our enrollment changed.
  • Relatedly, our pipeline for the Bolivar campus for Fall 2025 already looks very strong. We have more admitted students (238) and deposits (15) at this time of the year than we’ve had since recruiting for the Fall 2020 class. Enrollment continues to look strong in Springfield for both January and next fall, and our online programs are growing with 8 undergraduate and 10 graduate students starting just this week. The momentum is real! 
  • At the program level, our Bolivar pre-licensure Nursing graduates from Spring 2024 continued our tradition of NCLEX success. The graduating class of 15 students earned a 100 percent first-time pass rate on the licensure exam for the third time in four years. 
  • Our College of Business does a terrific job of tracking outcomes for its graduates. Among the highlights are that 100 percent of their 2023 graduates were employed within three months of graduation. This is another testament to the quality of our students and faculty. 
  • On the qualitative side, I just have to say that the character and engagement of our students this year is inspiring. Our campus cultures feel more dynamic and strong. New faculty, coaches, and staff are adding their vision and gifts to the already incredible people at SBU. The Spirit is moving on our campuses. 

None of the above means we don’t still face challenges because we absolutely do. But we are excelling in the midst of these challenges and building toward a bright future for SBU. I’m exceedingly proud and grateful. 

In addition to sharing some of our recent wins, below are some reminders of upcoming important events: 

  • Our Board of Trustees will be on campus Monday, October 21 – Tuesday, October 22 for its fall meeting. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for our trustees as they weigh important decisions, and also pray for them to feel the joy and fulfillment of serving SBU at a time with much to celebrate. 
  • Following the Board meeting, I will be hosting a Diet Coke Break at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 23. We will meet in-person in McClelland Dining Hall, and there is also a link to the livestream shared on the Employee Portal in Teams. Join us and bring any questions you might have. 
  • The annual meeting of the Missouri Baptist Convention is October 28-29 in St. Charles. Myself and other administration representatives will be there to share updates on SBU, meet with alumni and friends, and participate in the business of our denomination. I’m thankful to be part of the MBC and its continued support for SBU.

It’s a great day to be a Bearcat! 

The academic year is off to an amazing start, and there is much to give thanks for! This semester we have welcomed 800 new students across our programs, including remarkable growth in our health professional programs in Springfield, Salem, Bolivar, and online. We are profoundly thankful for our Mercy College of Health Professions and the remarkable partnerships with area universities that have been forged by Provost Tracy Manly, Vice President Darren Crowder, Dean Brittney Hendrickson, and the stellar leadership at Mercy Communities. We are also thrilled about the launch of several new STEM programs that will extend the missional reach of the university to international graduate students.  

We kicked off the academic year with a focus on the emerging challenges and opportunities presented by Artificial Intelligence. SBU is privileged to have faculty on the leading edge of discussion around classroom technology. Jason Thacker, senior fellow at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, was also on campus to address the intersection of ethics and technology in several excellent seminars with our faculty and staff.  

Our fall discipleship conference focused on the centrality of Scripture and we were honored to have David Mathis, author of The Habits of Grace, speak to our community about the joy to be found in Christ—and the importance of hearing His voice in the Scriptures.  

In addition to the excitement of Welcome Week, our Bolivar undergrad students have benefited from great events like the Barnyard Bash and Spy Week. Hundreds of them turned out (amidst thunderstorms!) to serve our community in a grocery giveaway in partnership with Convoy of Hope.  

A few other items of note:

  • I recently launched a new video titled, "The Unapologetically Christ-Centered University." This is an opportunity to show what makes SBU different in the higher education market, as well as to emphasize why our Christ-centered community is so important to nourish. Please watch and share it with your networks on social media and elsewhere.
  • The cooler weather around the corner signals that fall is on its way, and that means SBU’s homecoming is near! Join us on Friday, September 27–Saturday, September 28 for Homecoming 2024. You can find out more about the weekend’s activities and register here. Online registration will close this Saturday, September 21st, so sign up soon!
  • SBU was recognized by The Heritage Foundation as a "Great Choice" university, one of only two colleges in Missouri to receive the honor. Their process highlights universities that, among other things, are "prioritizing freedom, opportunity, and civil society. These schools offer an intellectually rigorous and well-rounded campus environment."

We’re excited about the momentum we’re seeing at SBU – and much of that has to do with you. Our theme this year is "Together, for Good." SBU isn’t just a university on five campuses, it is a community of thousands of alumni, retirees, supporters, and friends. We can’t do this without you. Thank you for your ongoing prayer and support! 


As we set our eyes on the finish line for the Fall semester, I want to take an opportunity to give thanks for some exciting things that have been happening at Southwest Baptist University.  

And there is much to be grateful for! We continue to rejoice in the positive momentum we are experiencing across our university community. Our academic divisions are completing vital program updates to ensure that our students have more course choice and program flexibility. We have seen encouraging, whole-hearted reaffirmation of our program quality through successful accreditation visits in our business and nursing programs. We are awaiting the ten-year accreditation reaffirmation from the Higher Learning Commission, which we anticipate this month. Additionally, our fall athletics season has been marked by success across our programs. Additionally, we recently introduced our new Bearcat mascot—who the students have affectionally named “Barry.” We have welcomed hundreds of prospective students, hosted an exceptional performance from grammy-award winning artists KB and Flame, and been encouraged by our fall chapel lineup featuring nationally known pastors and speakers. 

I'm also grateful for the faithful service of the University’s Board of Trustees. Among the many decisions at last month’s meeting, the Board approved a new strategic plan to guide the University towards our 150th birthday in 2028. This strategic plan is built on the pillars of Belong, Discover, Serve, and Excel—all supporting our emphasis of putting students first.  

In the coming months, we will have more to share on the strategic plan—especially as we prepare for an exercise in early 2024 called “Start, Stop, Grow.” This data-informed process will help us navigate the challenging environment facing higher education by identifying opportunities to grow and invest, as well as programs we need to adjust or pause. 

The next 18–24 months will require prayerful discernment and collaboration from every member of our University community. I am exceedingly grateful for each of you and what you bring to the table. 

In addition to what has already taken place earlier in the semester, I want to draw your attention to a couple of things from this week: 

  • On Thursday, November 9, we will be announcing an expanded partnership with the Mercy health system. Mercy has been a key partner for almost four decades and we are excited to deepen our connections with this important agreement. To symbolize this partnership, SBU’s College of Health Professions will be called the Mercy College of Health Professions at Southwest Baptist University. SBU will be offering new discounts and expanded opportunities for Mercy staff to enroll at SBU. Mercy, in turn, will provide even more support to our students in health professions and expand our access to their network and facilities. Darren Crowder, Vice President for Regional Campuses, has invested countless hours with the Mercy team to finalize the agreement and to ensure it maximizes benefits to SBU. Provost Dr. Tracy Manly and Dr. Brittney Hendrickson, the dean of the Mercy College of Health Professions, have also labored ceaselessly to position our programs to best serve Mercy and the Southwest Missouri market. As a university community, we owe them our deepest thanks! I am thrilled for the way that this partnership will contribute to our aim to become the regional leader in health care education. I could not be more excited for what lies ahead. 
  • Many of you have been closely following the ballot initiative for the Bolivar School District to join the Ozarks Technical College district. The vote was held yesterday, and it failed 57 percent to 43 percent.  Although many people asked me or other members of the administration if we were worried about the proposal and its potential impact on SBU, I maintained that we were positioned to thrive under either outcome. Even though the initiative failed, we will continue working with OTC to create pathways for students to transfer and complete their education at SBU. We also will keep working closely with the Bolivar School District to recruit their graduates and to serve their students through dual credit and other innovative solutions.  

The end of the semester is coming quickly, and my prayer for each of you is that you finish well and find many opportunities to give thanks during this season.  


Important Milestones and Thanking God!

When I lived in Minnesota, Spring was always the shortest season of the year. I remember one May in which the weather changed from winter snow one week to summer heat the next. Despite the leisurely beauty we’ve enjoyed in Bolivar this year, the academic semester has hurried past like a Minnesota Spring. April was full of important milestones—and we have much to celebrate and to thank God for.

Important Milestones

On April 17–18, SBU’s Board of Trustees gathered on campus for their Spring meeting. In addition to receiving reports from our administration and staff, the board discussed and unanimously approved two important documents. The first, SBU’s Compact for Shared Governance, was the culmination of months of collaborative discussion between the board, administration, faculty, staff, students, and alumni. The Compact clarifies the role and responsibility of each constituency and provides guidance for collaboration in accomplishing our shared mission. The Board also approved a Statement on Academic Freedom clarifying SBU’s approach to this important topic and showing their support for our faculty’s zealous pursuit of truth. I am profoundly grateful for the diligent efforts of our administrative and faculty leaders who helped bring these documents into being at such an important time.

We also shared a preliminary draft of SBU’s 2023–2028 strategic plan. This plan is being developed with input from faculty, staff, students, alumni, and the Board, and will continue to be refined with input from our wider community over the coming months. We plan to present a final plan to the Board in October, and it will be our blueprint as we prepare for SBU’s 150th anniversary in 2028.

On April 24–25, the University hosted the Higher Learning Commission’s (HLC) accreditation visit team. The team met with a wide range of university stakeholders as part of its evaluation of SBU for our 10-year accreditation reaffirmation and to confirm our progress in addressing areas of concern identified by the HLC ‘s 2021 report. Although the team’s findings will take a few weeks to compile and the HLC won’t vote on our reaffirmation until later this year, we were very encouraged by the visit and the collaborative and helpful interactions with the HLC team.

Our board, faculty, staff, and administration have done tremendous work over the past two years to prepare for this visit—and I am thrilled by our progress in ensuring SBU’s credibility and future success. Thank you to everyone who labored, participated, and prayed for this visit. Please continue to pray with us that our progress will exceed the expectations of the HLC and that we will finish 2023 with our accreditation reaffirmed.

Beyond Angel Network Pitch Event

On April 21, SBU hosted our first pitch event as a founding university partner of the Beyond Angel Network. The network brings faith-driven investors together with entrepreneurs to provide capital investment for new businesses. Two companies pitched business plans to a network of investors, some of whom were SBU alumni. Read a detailed recap.

Bearcat Athletics Excellence

Our student-athletes have continued to pile up accolades this Spring. Our men’s tennis qualified for the NCAA regionals, our women’s track and field won its final meet ahead of the GLVC conference championships, our women’s softball team has exceeded its win total from last season, and our men’s baseball has matched its win total with two series left in the season. Even more importantly, several of our women athletes celebrated their commitment to Christ by being baptized this spring. I could not be more excited about the amazing coaching staff God has brought to SBU and their commitment to athletic excellence and spiritual vitality. You can read more about more SBU athletics accomplishments at or by following our teams on social media. It is a great day to be a Bearcat!


It’s hard to believe that commencement is right around the corner. As a reminder, our Bachelor's degree ceremony and Associate's degree ceremony will be on Friday, May 19, and our Graduate degree ceremony will be on Saturday, May 20. All three ceremonies will be held in the Meyer Arena and will recognize students from all five of our campuses, including those recently recognized by their divisions and those graduating with honors. Join us in celebrating these students for their achievement and this important milestone in their lives.

The semester will be over in the blink of an eye! Pray with us for God’s continued grace on our students and on our staff, faculty, and administration—that we would finish the year with endurance and gratitude.

(Belatedly!) Celebrating the Start of a New Academic Year

While there is nothing magical about a calendar change, the start of a new year is invigorating—brimming with opportunity, fresh energy, and new resolve. It is thrilling to dream about what we might accomplish for God’s glory and with his help in this new year. We jumped in with so much enthusiasm, that I can’t believe that the first three months of the new year have already flown by! So, March’s letter has even more to celebrate.

Here in Bolivar, we’ve had a stellar start to the year. No doubt in answer to your faithful prayers, we’ve been blessed by the addition of several new executive cabinet members. On January first, Dr. Tracy Manly and Dr. Scott Moats joined us as Provost and Executive Vice President, respectively. The first week of February, Leon Wirth joined our team as Vice President for Advancement and three weeks later we welcomed Dr. Jonathon Woodyard to campus as our new Vice President for Student Life. We’ve also been strengthened by amazing additions to our staff and celebrated the service and promotion of several of our faculty and staff. You can read more about these additions and promotions by visiting the links above. Please give thanks to God with us for these remarkable provisions.

Board of Trustees and Senior Leadership Retreat

In mid-January, nearly four dozen leaders representing all areas of the university gathered with the Board of Trustees for an important time of fellowship, learning, and discussion. We were blessed to have Dr. Andrew Westmoreland, former President of Samford University and long-time chair of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, to lead us in discussions on shared governance and academic freedom. This strategic retreat was an important step in developing greater clarity and trust as well as an opportunity to dream about the future of Southwest Baptist University, together.

Dorm Renovations Completed

Thanks to the great partners at Dewitt Construction and the leadership of Mr. Robbie Bryant, SBU’s Director of Facilities, renovations in the Leslie and Landen dormitories were completed. Our residence life staff coordinated a furniture assembly and installation party and you can see the celebration of these great new spaces, here.

Remodeled lobbies of Landon and Leslie with students enjoying the rennovations

Spring Break Ministry

At the very heart of what we do at SBU is preparing young men and women with a vision for Christ-centered servant leadership. Under the leadership of Diana Gallimore, our Center for Global Connections trains and sends hundreds of students to serve around the world every year. Last week, thirty SBU students and faculty spent their Spring Break in service to others. Two teams served North American Missons Board ministry partners in urban Chicago and New York City. Students participated in after-school tutoring programs, served meals, engaged neighborhood kids in recreational activities, led Bible studies, and shared the hope of Christ. A third team traveled to Costa Rica and provided support to a local ministry team doing outreach in area schools. Join me in giving thanks to the Lord for the faculty, staff, students, and ministry partners that make these opportunities possible for our students. Let’s pray that the seeds planted by these teams might bear fruit for the glory of Jesus.

Major Milestones

While you are giving thanks, would you pray with us about two important upcoming milestones for SBU? On April 17–18, the Board of Trustees will be meeting for their Spring meeting. As a follow-up to our January retreat, they’ll be discussing a compact for shared governance that representatives from the Trustees, administration, faculty, staff, students, and alumni have been developing over the last seven months as well as a framework for SBU’s strategic plan.  

Finally, on April 24–25, SBU will be hosting evaluators from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) for our accreditation visit. Members of our administration, faculty, staff, and board of trustees have been working diligently over the past year and a half to ensure that SBU has addressed areas of concern raised by the Commission and is positioned for a bright future. We are excited to share with them our progress. We recently held a practice visit with an accreditation consultant and were encouraged by his assessment of our improvements. The accreditation visit team will report their findings to the HLC over the summer and we expect to receive the results in November.

As always, we have much for which to give thanks—our hard-working administration, faculty, staff, and students, generous partners who stand with us in prayer and financial support, and, most of all, a kind God who has promised to supply our every need in Christ Jesus. As we gather in the coming week to celebrate the resurrection, may you know the power of the One who has conquered death.

Christmas decorations and holiday sales seem to start earlier every year! As soon as Halloween is over, we are in a hurry to get to Christmas. For centuries, however, the church has prepared for the celebration of Christmas by slowing down. Rather than hurrying to a holiday, Advent is a season of waiting. Because, when we slow down, we see more. 

I always tend to hurry to the familiar narration of the birth of Jesus in Luke 2. This year, however, I have been struck by what comes before—the overlooked story of Zechariah and his son, John. Zechariah simply could not believe God’s promise that he and his wife, Elizabeth, both advanced in age, would have a son. In the angelic encounter recorded in Luke 1, Zechariah was literally struck dumb—unable to speak because of his unbelief. Only when Elizabeth gave birth to John was his tongue loosened. What he prophesied over his son in that moment is what struck me:

for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace (Luke 1:76-79).

Zechariah’s prophetic word is the gospel in a nutshell. We are a people of darkness whom God, in his tender mercy, has given light in exchange for darkness and life in exchange for death. John was born to point to Jesus, Israel’s long-awaited Messiah, Savior, Lord, and King. As we await Christmas morning, let’s take up John’s call, and point others to the one who has come to deliver us from sin and death and to guide our feet into the way of peace. 

Merry Christmas! 

Giving Thanks

On October 3, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln set aside the last Thursday in November as “a Day of Thanksgiving and Praise.” While today we think of football and turkey and tables heavy with food, the official holiday of Thanksgiving was declared amid the brutal conflict of the Civil War. Writing on the President’s behalf, Secretary of State, William Seward noted how—despite the horror of the war and its lamentable causes—God “hath nevertheless remembered mercy.” God’s kindness, Seward wrote, “should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice.” So, every year since then we have paused as a people to give thanks to God. And we have much for which to give thanks!

And at the very top of my list is you. I thank God for the amazing faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends of SBU. As Paul notes in Philippians 1:3-5, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” I am continually encouraged by the dedication and sacrifice of the faculty and staff of this university. I wish I could share with you all the notes I receive from students, parents, alumni and donors who write to give thanks for the faithful faculty and staff who make SBU a Christ-centered, caring, academic community. I thank God for the leadership team with whom I get to serve, who labor in countless unseen ways to ensure that SBU will pursue that mission long into the future. I thank God for the privilege that all of us have, together, to go hard after Christ as a community. There is no place on earth I would rather be!

And I’m thankful for some other great things that have happened this fall: 

Construction Progress

Under the leadership of Director of Facilities, Robbie Bryant, we are moving steadily closer to the completion of construction at Leslie and Landen Halls—on time and under budget! I thank God for Robbie, his team, and the great partnership we have with Dewitt & Associates, our Springfield-based general contractor. Lord-willing, construction will conclude prior to the start of the spring semester!

Athletics Excellence

Despite having the toughest schedule in the GLVC, our Bearcat football team had an exceptional regular season, earning the most wins since 2016. Under the excellent leadership of coach Robert Clardy, SBU had seven Great Lakes Valley Conference Players of the week in the 2022 season. Coach Clardy also became the winningest Coach in SBU football history this season!

On top of that, both men’s and women’s cross-country teams have had exceptional seasons. Men’s Cross Country had their best GLVC Championship finish in 4th place, and the women fell just shy of their 2nd GLVC Championship, finishing in 2nd place. This season, the women’s team earned a national top 25 ranking and senior Alexis Barber earned the GLVC runner of the week award.

And if that were not impressive enough, the SBU volleyball team had its best season in 9 years, finishing with a 14–14 record, going .500 for the first time since 2013. Freshman Ella Rademaker had the most kills by a volleyball freshman since 2009.

But I’m not just thankful for these athletes, teams, and victories—I’m grateful to God for the culture of integrity and excellence that is being cultivated by our Athletics division. I am so thankful for Athletic Director, Clark Sheehy, and the amazing coaching staff, leadership team, and athletic trainers who drive our programs to compete in a way that is honoring to God.

New Partnership

While I could go on, there’s one more big thing that I am thankful for. After much discussion, prayer, evaluation, and preparation, this week we announced a multi-year strategic partnership with Dynamic Campus, a managed services organization with more than 20 years of experience in higher education IT services. Dynamic Campus shares our values and specializes in supporting private, Christian, mission-minded colleges and universities. This significant investment in information technology at SBU will help us adapt to changing technology, provide high quality services to our university, and expand the reach of our programs at home and around the world. I thank God for David Bolton, our Chief Technology Officer, and for the 42 years of energy and skill he has faithfully invested in SBU. I’m thankful for the amazing team of dedicated professionals who serve in our IT Services department. And I’m thankful for this new partnership with Dynamic Campus that will help SBU build on the excellent work of our IT team.

Dynamic Campus Partnership Full Story

While we face tensions and uncertainties as a nation and as a community, we too can confess that “God hath nevertheless remembered mercy.” As you gather with family and friends for this thanksgiving holiday, I hope you will join me in giving thanks and praise to the giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:16).

October is always an exciting month for SBU. In the last several weeks we have celebrated Homecoming and hosted our fall Board of Trustees gathering—and there is much to report! But before I go any further, I am thrilled to share this: after four years of steady decline, this fall semester our traditional undergraduate enrollment on the Bolivar campus increased by 5.2%. While that growth may sound insignificant, many institutions like ours continued to experience a decline this year. Our 5.2% increase is evidence that parents and students continue to recognize SBU as a Christ-centered, high-quality, and affordable education.  

Homecoming Excitement

As always, SBU’s week-long Homecoming festivities did not disappoint! Students competed in a number of events throughout the week: mud-tug, spirit chapel, bed races, and float building. Homecoming attendance was at an all-time high, with more than 1,000 guests celebrating together at the Bearcat Bash, the Bearcat Football team’s 44–21 win against William–Jewell, and the Gable Price and Friends homecoming concert. It was a blast to see so many alumni, family, and friends in attendance this year! 

Fall Board of Trustees Meeting

In my August letter, I mentioned two initiatives we are working on this year: uniting SBU around a single confessional statement and addressing important matters in SBU’s governance and accreditation. Last week, the Board of Trustees acted on this shared commitment by passing a series of motions to align and clarify our institutional policies, centered on the Baptist Faith and Message, 2000. Additionally, the Board reviewed a draft Compact for Shared Governance developed by representatives from the administration, staff, faculty, students, and alumni. These important Board actions deepen our Christ-centered culture and help address the concerns raised by the Higher Learning Commission. I am grateful for the sacrificial service of our Board of Trustees and the exemplary leadership of our Board Chairman, Dr. Eddie Bumpers. You can read more about the Board Meeting, by following the link below.

Fall Board of Trustees Meeting Full Story

Partnerships—New and Old

This month, we also announced two exciting strategic partnerships. Southwest Baptist University is joining the Beyond Angel Network, a national Christian university ecosystem that provides student entrepreneurs early-stage capital, a network of industry relationships, and expertise to start disruptive technology companies. Our hope is that this partnership will result in new opportunities for SBU students to be Christ-centered world-changers in the marketplace. Additionally, SBU is entering into a strategic partnership with CampusEdu, an innovative global platform for online learning. We are thrilled about how this partnership will allow us to reach new students around the world with SBU’s excellent programs and faculty through an enhanced online experience.  

Beyond Angel Network Full Story

CampusEdu Partnership Full Story

Finally, I am very encouraged by the way our SBU community is pursuing deeper relationships with our oldest partner, the churches that make up the Missouri Baptist Convention. A few weeks ago, at the invitation of SBU’s faculty leadership, the Missouri Baptist Convention’s outgoing president, Mr. Jon Nelson, and the Convention’s Executive Director, Dr. John Yates, joined us on campus for chapel and productive dialogue with faculty and staff. At this week’s Annual Meeting, the Nominating Committee recommended, and convention messengers approved an excellent slate of new trustees for SBU’s Board of Trustees. We are incredibly grateful for the commitment of MBC churches to our mission and the support of MBC leadership.

It has been an exciting month for SBU—the first few weeks of classes, an excellent Fall Bible Conference, the joy of weekly corporate worship in chapel, the stellar performance of our athletic teams, and fun events like the Barnyard Bash and Spy Week. It is a great day to be a Bearcat!

I’m writing from Scottsdale, Arizona this morning where Dr. Griffith and I have been attending a conference on Legal and Public Policy conference hosted by the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU). As I mentioned in last month’s letter, one of our initiatives for the year is strengthening SBU for the future—and part of that strengthening comes in preparing us to better navigate the cultural and political challenges faced by institutions committed to historic, biblical orthodoxy. CCCU is a great partner in helping ensure that we endure as a Christ-centered caring, academic community.

Thanks to the great work of our Senior Leadership Team (SLT), we are also making steady progress in clarifying SBU’s system of shared governance. The SLT is made up of our Cabinet, the current President and President-elect of the Faculty Senate and Staff Council, leaders from Student Life, Student Success, IT services, and Institutional Effectiveness offices, as well as our campus Chaplain. I am profoundly grateful to work with so many amazing, skilled, servant-hearted leaders who love the mission God has called us to at SBU. Over the next few months, the SLT will be working with the staff council, faculty senate, the student association, and other groups to craft a document that outlines how we work together to fulfill our great mission. Not only will this document provide guidance for how we work together, it will be an important part of assuring our accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).

While it is 100 degrees here in Arizona, the cooler weather at home signals that fall is on its way and that means SBU’s homecoming is right around the corner! 


The celebration of homecoming is the high point of our fall semester. Our faculty, staff, and students love to welcome the wider SBU family to campus and to celebrate the reunion of so many deep friendships. Every year, we are amazed to hear where our alumni are serving and encouraged to hear how their time at SBU equipped them for the calling God has placed on their lives. The stories share a common theme – the meaningful relationships with faculty, staff, and fellow students and the transformational impact of SBU’s Christ-centered, caring academic community. What a privilege to be a Bearcat!

The SBU family welcomes you back to campus on Friday, October 7 - Saturday, October 8 for Homecoming 2022. Join us as we enjoy one another and rejoice in God’s faithfulness to SBU. Even if you are not an SBU alumnus, you are still a part of the extended Bearcat family! Please make plans to attend! This year’s Bearcat Bash will include the famous Pineapple Whip, Hurts Donuts, acai bowls, and more!

Our Homecoming Committee has been working hard to prepare a great weekend for the SBU community. Here are a few of the many events scheduled for the weekend:

Friday, October 7

  • 11:30 a.m. – 50-Year Club Luncheon
  • 1:30 p.m. - Bearcat Men's Soccer Game
  • 4 p.m. – Student Bed Races
  • 4 p.m. - Bearcat Women's Soccer Game
  • 5 p.m. – Reunion Class Social
  • 6 p.m. – Alumni Banquet
  • 7:30 p.m. – Men's and Women's Alumni Basketball Game

Saturday, October 8

  • 8:30 a.m. – Alumni Breakfast
  • 10 a.m. – Homecoming Parade
  • 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. - Bearcat Bash
  • 1 p.m. – Bearcat Football Game

Each event is family-friendly and many include childcare! Follow this link to see the full Homecoming schedule. Pre-registration closes on October 2, so register today!


We have contracted JobfitMatters (JFM) to help us conduct a nationwide search for our next Provost, Vice President for Advancement, Vice President for Student Development, and Vice President for Enrollment. JobfitMatters is an executive recruiting firm with nationally-recognized expertise in recruiting top executives and cabinet-level leaders for Christian higher education. Since 1995, they have led over 300 executive searches and we are eager to have their help in finding leaders who are the right fit for our community. The opportunity profiles were completed earlier this month and we would love to have your help in promoting them far and wide.

Please share these postings and video on social media and encourage qualified candidates in your network to apply. Let them know that it is a great day to be a Bearcat!

Jobfit Matters

University Provost and VP Searches Video

Finally, as we dive into the day (and the heart of the semester), would you pause and pray with me for God’s help? We have much to give thanks for. And, in the midst of our rejoicing, our campus is also healing from loss. We have experienced disappointments and departures and deaths this month. We have many needs. If it were left up to us, we would be lost. But we serve One who not only knows our sorrows, but who loves to bear us up under them. Because He lives to intercede for us (Rom. 8:34), we can have strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.

Thanks to the great work of our Senior Leadership Team (SLT), we are also making steady progress in clarifying SBU’s system of shared governance. The SLT is made up of our Cabinet, the current President and President-elect of the Faculty Senate and Staff Council, leaders from Student Life, Student Success, IT services, and Institutional Effectiveness offices, as well as our campus Chaplain. I am profoundly grateful to work with so many amazing, skilled, servant-hearted leaders who love the mission God has called us to at SBU. Over the next few months, the SLT will be working with the staff council, faculty senate, the student association, and other groups to craft a document that outlines how we work together to fulfill our great mission. Not only will this document provide guidance for how we work together, it will be an important part of assuring our accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).

While it is 100 degrees here in Arizona, the cooler weather at home signals that fall is on its way and that means SBU’s homecoming is right around the corner!

The 2022–2023 academic year is off to a roaring start and I am excited about what God has in store for us at SBU! There are a lot of new things to highlight this month—new students, new faculty, new staff, new programs, new meal options, newly renovated spaces, new vision for chapel and discipleship—so many things to celebrate! God has been kind to us.

In coming newsletters we’ll mention more about these great new things, but I want to focus this newsletter on our vision for this year.

Strength for Today, Bright Hope for Tomorrow

In the summer of 587 BC, Jerusalem was overtaken by the Babylonian army. The holy city, home to God’s king and to the temple where God’s earthly presence rested, lay in utter ruins. The prophet Jeremiah looked out over the destruction and reflected on the pain and confusion of God’s people. While the defeat seemed in the moment like God’s abandonment of his people, Jeremiah looked back with confidence to God’s promises:

“But this I call to mind and, therefore, I have hope: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end, great is your faithfulness” (Lamentation 3:23).

Jeremiah is calling to mind what God had said of himself in Exodus 34:6. On Mt. Sinai, God passed before Moses, and declared his name, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” In a time of unparalleled difficulty, Jeremiah looked back to God’s self-revelation for strength for the present and hope for the future.

Many of us are familiar with the hymn, “Great is Thy Faithfulness,” a reflection Lamentations 3:21–23. This stanza has particularly struck me this summer:

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside

Great is Thy faithfulness, great is thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me

The last several years have been challenging for our campus community. I believe that the Lord intends to mend the brokenness and strengthen us for the mission to which he has called us. Mended brokenness is a powerful way in which God shows his mercy, kindness, and faithfulness. And that mending comes about when we look to him for strength for today and hope for tomorrow.

Four Initiatives for 2022–2023

And that’s what we are committed to doing this year. Here are four initiatives we are committed to in the 2022–2023 academic year:

  1. Create a Christ-Centered Culture United Around the Baptist Faith and Message, 2000 (BFM2000): For over one hundred years, Southwest Baptist University has been a confessional institution. Our university charter emphasizes our robust commitment to historic, orthodox Christianity in the Baptist tradition. The BFM2000 is the concise summary of that doctrinal commitment. Rather than ignoring or minimizing this theological foundation, we want to press into it, together—deepening our understanding and the kind of alignment that shared convictions bring about. We’re committed to making these important convictions clear in every stage of our hiring process for faculty, staff, and administration. And we’re aiming to show the beauty of biblical fidelity and personal holiness through chapel and new discipleship initiatives.
  2. Strengthen SBU and Assure HLC Accreditation: SBU was placed on probation by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), our regional accreditor, in 2021. Through the excellent work of our faculty and staff, we are already well on our way to addressing the concerns raised by the HLC. We have also contracted a HLC specialist who is working with our university team and HLC liaison to ensure that our assurance argument will satisfy the HLC’s visitation team. The chairman of SBU’s Board of Trustees, Dr. Eddie Bumpers, and I are working closely with our board members to clarify board responsibilities and provide a more meaningful and forward-looking experience for the great group of men and women who give of their time to serve our university. Additionally, a group of faculty, staff, and administration are collaborating on a document that will clarify SBU’s form of shared governance. We are also engaging a service offered by the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) to review all of our institutional policies. Each of these steps will strengthen our university and prepare it well for a bright future.
  3. Develop a Strategic Plan for Institutional Flourishing and Sustainability: A third focus for the 2022–2023 Academic year is planning for the future. With the rapid pace of change, it is easy to fall into the rut of simply reacting to things around us. Our last strategic plan was developed prior to the massive disruptions of COVID. After much discussion, we have decided to start a new, comprehensive planning process that will result in a new strategic plan. This plan will include master planning for academic programming, athletics, enrollment, and campus improvements. We believe that the best days of SBU are ahead and we are eager to work together to plan for an exciting, innovative, and flourishing future—God helping us. 
  4. Communicate Boldly: Finally, we are doubling down on our commitment to clear and collaborative communication. I’ve put together a new senior leadership team that includes representatives from faculty senate, staff council, athletics, student life, student activities and our campus pastor in addition to our executive cabinet. We will be working together to make sure that every area of our university understands where we are going and how we are getting there. Additionally, I will be regularly attending various leadership meetings across the university to report on progress and to be available for feedback and questions. We’re also planning to send out this monthly newsletter as well as developing new multi-channel communications.

As we move into the new year, together, let’s ask for God’s blessing on SBU. We have been given a great mission. May God equip us even more to be a Christ-centered, caring, academic community preparing students to change the world for the glory of Jesus Christ.

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